I'm devouring your posts in one day! And hope that doesn't weird you out. I have yet to read Keeper but will... And wanted to say, as a high school, college and post college athlete in field hockey, roller hockey (including failed women's prof roller hockey league of late 90s), and ice hockey, as well as being on the Title IX committee of my university... AND as an avid journaler, writer, and artist... I so get this! My athletic life was (and is) way to outwardly express all of the angst and emotion that I privately poured into my journals. And a way to commune with other women (team sports with women are so fulfilling in so many ways). And a way for an introverted girl to express outwardly in a socially acceptable way an inner desire to be a warrior goddess! 😆

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Yay I love this post so much!

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Ahh thank you, Tom! I needed to hear that!

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