Update, everybody: I changed the post title! My original one was long and kept getting cut off!

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Oooh! I want to try this with my fifth graders in the fall. Thank you for sharing this creative writing exercise.

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Yes! It works for all ages!

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Great resource! And love the way you write this with pictures; so pretty 🤩

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Thanks so much, Amy!

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This is a 5 ⭐️ post and writing exercise!

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Love this!

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Thanks, Jason! Hope you’re well ❤️

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Thank you, I'm doing better and back to making stuff!

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Really glad to hear it! ❤️

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I will try it!

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I’d love to hear how it goes for you!

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This is brilliant! I can’t wait to give it a try!

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Thank you! Would love to know if it works for you!

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Oooh this is such a useful exercise!

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Thanks, Cara! I was just saying to Sarah Shaw that I’d be interested to think more about how to adapt it to comics…

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Thanks for sharing this exercise! I'm going to bookmark it for times when I'm feeling stuck.

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Thanks, Sarah! Would love to hear how it goes and especially how it might be adapted to comics—something I’d like to give more thought to myself…

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Definitely using this myself for my novel - I have a couple scenes kicking my butt, and maybe these questions will help me discover why!

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Great! Let me know how it goes!

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This is awesome!

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Thanks so much! (and for restacking too!)

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Oh this post is a "Keeper" Kelcey! No really, this is great!

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I've tucked it away but at this stage am not so much likely to write a scene as cause one. Yes, I like the post very much and particularly the pictures and staccato of this and that moving forward quickly.

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Causing scenes again, are you?! 😂 Thanks, Jay!

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Magic, indeed, Kelcey:)

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Thanks, Anne! I’ve used this basically ALL of my classes 😊

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Oh, this is just what I need to get unstuck. Thanks, Kelcey!

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Great to hear! Good luck, Maureen!

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Hi Kelcey. I just discovered you on Notes - after commenting on another note about how wonky the notes feature is. Finding you there was the wonderful type of wonky. I could have used your tips as I wrote my last essay - which took FOREVER to pull out of me. Your 20 steps are the perfect "have you thought about this???" Thank you! Love your graphic style, too. So pleasing to engage with. Have a lovely day. :)

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Hi Sheila! Thanks so much for this. I agree that Notes is (are?) wonky, and I'm glad for these occasional synergies! These steps emerged out of my own struggles and my students' struggles, and I'm glad I finally remembered it on Day 9 of a 14 day writing challenge! 😂

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I’m grateful for you sharing! I signed up for the same writing challenge and haven’t done one day. I look at it like: at least I signed up! Maybe next year. 😄

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Ha! Well, the first step is signing up!

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