this is so helpful, Kelcey! I've done #1000words a couple times, but this year I'm using it to start a new project and am feeling pretty nervous, so seeing your steps here is really great. (and a great reminder that I have Refuse to be Done, which I'd start reading in the middle of writing a different book, then put aside--so I will get it back out as I start this new thing!)

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That’s exciting about your new project! Yes, Refuse to Be Done will be great if you’re starting something new. It’s just such clear distillation of so many things I have learned (and even taught) over the years—and that I need to keep in mind now. Good luck to both of us!

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yes, good luck to us both! we're doing it!

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This sounds very motivating! I can't start mine until mid June though. But it's an idea I'll keep in mind.

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It’s a fun challenge and easy to start anytime. Good luck if you do!

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I'm in for 1000 words of summer! Last year I used it to drive my revision forward after a long, long slump. This year I'm a writer in search of a project, hoping to find something to dig into during the two weeks.

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It’s perfect for anything: revising after a slump, finding a new project, blasting a new draft. Let me know what you do!

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This is terrific, thanks. NaNoWriMo was how I got all four of my novels (prose) drafted. I’ve been floundering a bit on my next book and I know I need to do exactly what you recommend. Get a plan and get a fast draft into the world.

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Yes, do it!!!! That’s awesome about NaNoWriMo! Here’s an abridged summertime version!

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I’m doing something like this in my own writing practice but for the month of June :) 15 minutes of writing a day is the goal!

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Excellent! In Atomic Habits, James Clear actually suggests a timed goal rather than a word count or other metric, so 15 minutes is perfect. Let me know how it goes!

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Hi Kelcey! I had no idea you were doing 1000 words as well! See you at Beach Week I think? I hope? :)

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OMG, Lee! How fun to hear from you here! Yes to 1000 words, and double yes to Beach Week! xoxo

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Yay! See you in July!


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I'm doing #1000words for the first time this year and just stumbled upon this post of yours. Now with your illustrated recommendations I want to do all the challenges and read all the books!

On a side note, I love your image of the red bellied woodpecker. A friend of mine is similarly perplexed by its name and is lobbying hard to have it changed to the scarlet mullet woodpecker. I think it has promise.

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So glad to hear this! This is my first time doing 1000 words more publicly. Last year I did it without telling anyone, so I was anxious to be so PUBLIC ("like a frog" to quote Emily Dickinson), even tagging Jami Attenberg! But I don't seem to have jinxed myself yet!

Also: I am never going to use any other name than scarlet mullet woodpeckers again! 😂

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So helpful and love the visuals! Thank you!

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Great to hear! thank you!

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Beautiful art, wonderful woodpecker (one flew onto the porch today!!; didn't know they were in this area), and may do the challenge if current burnout allows.

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Thank you! A surprise woodpecker visit might be a sign to do the challenge! 😊 (And for what it's worth, my last post was about my own burnout blues. This challenge is helping me get out of it.)

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I thought of that; the woodpecker pecks away like a writer banging out words, and I have a tiny plastic Kinder Egg woodpecker pecking on a tree toy on my why is a raven like a writing desk, so—ty, brilliant soul enfleshed—you must be right. It is a sign. To defeat burnout, if c’est possible, going to try the concept of another brilliant soul and writer; Meg Wolitzer said that we must keep our current WIP as close as a mitten pinned to a child. I am now doing this.

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Ha! I love that image of the WIP pinned to us like a mitten! And yeah, that damned woodpecker is as tenacious as any of us, might as well be inspired instead of annoyed. Why IS a raven like a writing desk???

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Haha, only long-dead Lewis Carroll can say for certain, yet imho a raven 🐦‍⬛ is like a writing 🖥️desk when it collects shiny things as the writer collects shiny words. That red mitten brilliance is all Meg Wollitzer’s bit-o-genius writerly honey wisdom, though, yes, fab image (and advice for writers). Peace.

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Ah, haha, I missed the allusion, but google has caught me up! I like the comparable collections of shiny things and words, tho!

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Ah, ty,, words as shiny imminently collectible things is the best of both the writerly and raven worlds.

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Loved this! Loved your content and presentation! Thank you!

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Thank you so much, Cheryl!

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I love Matt Bell's book! I didn't know he had a Substack. I guess I should have figured, as everyone has a Substack now, but thanks for that heads up.

I have no idea if I'll do the 1000 words of summer. I know, it's June, so I should probably decide. But really, it might be a day-by-day thing for me.

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Yeah, I think Matt had a regular newsletter and then converted it over to Substack. 1000 words starts today if you want to join along. But doing whatever you want on your own schedule works too!

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Whoooo good luck Kelcey! I hope you’ll share a recap of how it went with us 💛

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Thanks, Carolyn! You know I will! :)

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Will be writing with you! And got several helpful questions to ask my characters from this post. Thank you. :)

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Great! And glad the post was helpful. More good ideas in the Refuse to Be Done book!

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That challenge is really cool! Good Luck and Happy June and Happy Summer Month!

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Thanks so much, Miya!

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YAY DO IT Kelcey!

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Thank you, Tom!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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Good for you Kelcey! Definitely reminds me of SMART Goals. I know you can and will achieve your goal!!!

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Yes! I thought of you! 😁😎❤️

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