Sep 15Liked by Kelcey Ervick

Wow. I seldom travel far these days. Seventy-seven, healthy, happy, content, having fun right here with my short walks, good reads, making a few pieces of SWAG. But Kelcey fired me up. Past Death's Door, probably not. But I'll be there in spirit. Grinning a long with all of you.

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Sounds like a good life, Jay! Carrying your spirit on my travels! ❤️

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Sep 15Liked by Kelcey Ervick

Absolutely no clue that’s what swag meant!!! Mind blown. 🤣

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Haha, isn't it weird?! 😂 But also not weird, I guess? I dunno!

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Like this thought. Make stuff and serve it. Give it.

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Yes, exactly!

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Sep 15Liked by Kelcey Ervick

dear kelcey,

your swag looks great!

i had never heard of it being an acronym for "Stuff We All Get," and upon further researching, it seems to me that that may be a backronym (an acronym formed after the word already existed, to make it seem like it happened in the other direction).

from merriam-webster's website:

"The origin of swag is somewhat unclear, but the word may have Scandinavian roots. There are a number of now-obsolete senses, dating back to the 14th century (the earliest sense recorded in the Oxford English Dictionary is from 1303, and refers to a bag). In the 16th century it began to be used to refer to a blustering person."


"Swag may have Scandinavian roots referring to a bag. It has gone through definitions meaning 'a blustering person,' 'stolen goods,' 'a bag of stolen goods,' 'a tote bag with promotional items,' 'swaggering confidence,' 'swaying back and forth,' and even 'one with a swinging belly.'"

and wait'll you find out where the word "merch" comes from!

(it's short for "merchandise.")

thanks for doing all you do! i hope everyone enjoys all the swag AND the swag etymology!



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WHOA. Myq. This is a very exciting development in my knowledge of swag! Scandinavian roots! A backronym! Thank you for doing this important research!

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Sep 15Liked by Kelcey Ervick

happy to!

"important research" is my middle name!

Myq Important Research Kaplan. MIRK.

everyone, purchase my swag... or, my MIRKchandise!



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Haha! Where English professors and comedians overlap on a Venn diagram: FUN WITH WORDS! 😂

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Dig this post. And, I think there is something about your work that generates a sense of community to your stack so that I have a small sense of being just one of those 5,000 and a kind of awareness of the other 4,999 (well, not as individuals I mean that would just be wild...but as an interesting mass of folk). That's a big number, so to feel that small sense because of what you write and how you write it, is really interesting. I have zilch graphic ability: my party is words, so it's kind of even more interesting. Well, it is to me.

I've headed over to your March 17 post, and intend to go back and have a go at a one sentence artist statement.

Hope the Festival goes well. Death's Door will be a breeze, I'm sure.

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Aw, thanks, Nicolas. For what it's worth, there's the number of subscribers, but then there's a smaller number of people who actually open and read the posts, and a much smaller number of people who bother to comment--like you!--and that's what I love the best. Let me know if the one-sentence artist statement uncovers anything for your word party. Years ago, I attended a weeklong letterpress workshop in NYC, and we had to bring a passage of our own 50 words to set into type, and it REALLY got me thinking about which of my 50 words I'd use! Catch ya on the other side of Death's Door!

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Yes, I get what you mean re how the numbers actually play out. It’s a thing, right.

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Sep 15Liked by Kelcey Ervick

I Love seeing our island come to life in your beautiful artwork! One of my favorite things about our literary festival is being immersed in the curiosity of thoughtful, diverse voices and yours is shining through here. Thanks, especially, for talking with our island young people. 💖

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Thanks so much, Deb! I'm even more excited to visit as I've been planning the trip. And I always love talking with young folks. 💗

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Sep 15Liked by Kelcey Ervick

Have fun on your tour! Love the RBG bird dissent. I didn’t know the SWAG acronym meaning. Always more to learn.

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Thanks, Jane! Glad you caught the RBG dissent/collar reference! :)

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Wish you were stopping in Madison too, maybe next time. Just in case you have not see this, https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/09/05/travel/things-to-do-door-county.html?unlocked_article_code=1.LE4.Wicb.g1GK96yZJXDX&smid=url-share

Have a great trip! Thank you for the wonderful newsletter, looking forward to it every week.

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Me too! I’ll get to Madison one day! Thanks for the link—I hadn’t seen it! And thanks for the kind words ❤️

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S-W-A-G 🤯

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Right?! And I’m getting lots more info in the comments with other origins and theories!

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honestly, THAT’S the T-shirt to design … 😂 I would wear it as a PSA…

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LOVE the collection of business cards 😭

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Thank you! I was on a kick of painting all my vintage machines ❤️

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Did not know swag was an acronym, but that is oddly disappointing. I always thought swag was a fun word for something that made life a little better like gorp (trail mix) or toque (beanie).

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Oh that would have been fun! I’m learning from other comments that swag might have different roots. Myq Kaplan even says that might be a “backronym” named after the fact! I was never more disappointed than to learn what ABD stood for. I’d assumed it stood for some fancy Latin phrase that meant you were at the penultimate step of your PhD, only to find out it meant…“all but dissertation.”

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Sounds like a very fun weekend. Never knew about SWAG but I do remember something about a wild assed guess which is dang close.

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I mean, WHY NOT?! 😂

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Ah yeah Wisconsin!! Door Country is beautiful and I hope you have a great time. Wishing you luck and joy from Madison.

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Hey, thanks, Mitchell! I've been looking forward to this for a while! I'll wave to you from the road! 😁

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What a beautiful, wonderful post! I serve on the Washington Island Literary Festival planning committee, and all of us are eagerly awaiting your arrival, Kelcey. We are thrilled to have you as a featured writer/presenter. Safe travels—I'll be crossing Death's Door myself on Tuesday.

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Have a great time on Washington Island!! Wisconsin is so beautiful. Im glad to call it home.

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Thank you! I'm really looking forward to the whole trip and seeing the island!

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I always thought swag was in reference to the erstwhile burglar with the sack of loot over his shoulder. Stuff We All Get makes sense though. I've made some swag - digital only though. A phone wallpaper - but it's a bit too big and some of the design disappears off the edges. Think I'll fix that today.

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Haha! I like your interpretation of swag better! 😂 Good luck with yours!

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