May 19Liked by Kelcey Ervick

I am in it right now and slowly climbing out of it. I had not done anything in such a long while that I had become scared of my own voice/too self-conscious or too shy to speak in drawing and writing.

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I have not been on Instagram much lately but popped in and saw that you said something about feeling burned out. It's weird the pressures and anxieties we can start to feel. Everything else I started to write here was feeling false so I figured I'd just address it directly. I'm so glad you're climbing out of it. Yours is one of my absolute FAVORITE voices out there. ❤️

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I loved this one, Kelcey! Especially the last image — love how you brought the two together 🙌

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Was going to say the same thing. That last illustration really got me. 😭😭😭

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Yeah, me too!

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Me too!

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Aww, thanks so much, Candace, Madalyn, and Margreet! ❤️🥰

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Indeed. Been there.

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I used to love writing blogs back in the day before Instagram took hold. I thought I'd take to Substack like a duck to water but I find it really hard to get motivated! Love this post Kelcey! 🙌

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Thanks, Jess! I blogged on Wordpress for over a decade (inconsistently!) and somewhat reluctantly moved over to Substack. I've come to love it, but there was a big learning curve: because it's not really a blog (which I was used to) and not really a newsletter (which is the word it uses)--it's a whole other thing!

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The migration has been a success INMO

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May 19Liked by Kelcey Ervick

I know the pressure and the procrastination. Right now I’m not starting anything new from scratch. Rather, I’m taking old monotype prints — ghost prints or less successful pieces— and collaging over them. It’s fun, therapeutic, and a way to make art while the muse watches basketball.

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Wonderful idea to repurpose old prints..."ghost prints" has a magical sound to it, more like collaboration...

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May 19Liked by Kelcey Ervick

This is part of cracking the code! When stuck on making art because we haven’t been making art, make art about it 🤝

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Ha! I mentioned to someone else that, as a creative writing professor, I have read too many "stories about trying to write a story," so I had a bit of self-conscious loathing with this one! 😂

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I hear you. Please know that your "scribbles" bring joy to my day, whenever they land in my in-box. I have both your books and am really enjoying reading The Keeper. Your work is worth waiting for. Thank you.

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Wow, thank you so much, Amanda! This is really lovely to hear! ❤️

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Thanks for being open and honest. It helps me to know I’m not alone those during weeks it is hard to finish….or to begin.

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We always FEEL alone in these times, but we're not!

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I really love your work, Kelcey! I hope you keep doing what you’re doing.

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Thanks so much for saying so, Cathy! 🥰

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May 19Liked by Kelcey Ervick

Got your fields guide book for Mother’s Day and I’m loving it. Thank you - even if you’re not feeling motivated lately.

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Thanks, Sophia! That's awesome to hear!

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What a coincidence! I just wrote about that too!


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Oh wow! Just read your post! loved it!

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May 19Liked by Kelcey Ervick

well, I will try to motivate you by saying the local library finally delivered a request I had made when this book of yours first came out. I am now holding THE FIELD GUIDE TO GRAPHIC LIT. and it's a 'keeper'--maybe if I am good, Santa might give me a copy of it 'round Christmas. Do ya think?

anyway, IT IS WONBDERFUL AND I AM GOING THOUGH IT BIT-BY-BIT. So maybe you deserve a rest break, do ya hink? Sometimes it pays to let things percolate for awhile.

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Oh Jeanne, that's awesome to hear about the Field Guide!! Thanks for requesting it, and I love to know that you are using it! And you're right: I think I've been due for a break! Thank you again. ❤️🥰

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Jun 2Liked by Kelcey Ervick

Perhaps you lacked motivation to post about a topic on your list of potentials, but you certainly rose to the occasion to write about what was true for you in the moment. Given that this just so happens to be the curse of many creatives, you nailed it (both the problem and modeling a solution)!

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Thank you for saying this! Writing what’s true in the moment is certainly the aim!

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I love this!!! So glad to have discovered your 'stack.

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Thanks so much, Rebecca! 🥰

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I love that you scribbled this post!! So so funny and true. As an artist, I'm with you right now. And like you, I know this too shall pass. The doldrums make the motivational times so much sweeter.

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Thank you so much! Making the post helped give me clarity to lean into the doldrums and I’ve been happily NOT making anything all week. Which somehow gets me wanting to make something… Hope you find your way to the other side too!

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I am currently rejuvenating myself on the Oregon coast, which always works even if its raining outside. It takes getting out of the studio and/or away from my writing to objectively replenish. Good luck with your current state of reassessment!

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That sounds invigorating! My body has decided to slow me down the old fashioned way this week: I’ve gotten sick! 😂

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Our bodies like to slap us upside the head because sometimes that is the only way we will slow down. 😉

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