You sound like a marvellous professor. (Also, I read The Keeper this week and loved it so much and have been recommending it to everyone ever since. Thank you for your art!)
As a writer myself, my motto is to give to every writer I meet--give my journal list, my tips, my feedback--whatever has helped me is what I want to share. Because the writing world IS hard enough; support begets support. Check out my substack if you're inclined--it's always free.
Wow, I need this message as I'm about to grade final projects! I will strive for that pedagogy of positivity, because the world of business is hard enough! Thanks for a great reminder and a great post!
Grading final projects yields such a range of emotions for me! Some students amaze me, others disappoint. But it’s a tough world and we’re doing what we can. I’m sure they will appreciate your positivity!
Damn, Wes, that is so nice! Screen captas are frustrating and usually super blurry! I appreciate the impulse so much, but you don't have to send me anything!
In this day and age, it's how I tell someone they are doing a good job. If we lived near one another I'd pat you on the back. Talent, hard work and humanity don't often go hand in hand. thank you. BTW, I couldn't even get to the screen capture bit, which, by the way, I am dang good at picking out motorcycles etc.
As you wrote in a comment below, "First, do no harm." There is a way to give useful feedback - with kindness and no professorial preening (and no dismissiveness either).
Yes, exactly. So many teachers have harmed so many aspiring artists/writers--and others have truly nurtured them! A pedagogy of positivity doesn't have to mean all praise all the time; it can mean taking someone seriously and believing that they can grow and learn!
Oh dear, it shouldn't be too shocking! Yes, there are lots of discouraging teachers out there, but also so many good ones! Have you encountered more of the former?
I loved, understood (albeit maybe had a bit of trouble seeing the cranky side get the opportunity to show) and then saw related piece on How You Made Your Student Cry and, wow, just not ready to jump right into that. Cheering you and all you inspire, poems, stories, reports, pics, students ...
on! (Yes, my broken lines are just fine, as are yours, and I'll read the related account now.)
"I have a pedagogy of positivity." I love that!
Right?! I feel bad that I can't remember the poet's name, but her words have stuck with me!
That is so so good!
Amen! It is so important to give our students and critique partners tools and turning points vs stumbling blocks.
Yes! I would have loved a lesson on line breaks!
I'm sure a number of people would have benefitted from it.
Be the professor you'd want to have. YES.
I was also thinking of being a professor like being a doctor: First, do no harm!
Again, YES. If only that were true of all teachers and professors 😑
Yep. Sigh.
Another wonderful dose of creative inspiration 🥰
Thanks, Jamal!!
"pedagogy of positivity"--what a great note to end the semester and the year on!
Yes! Thanks, Nancy. That phrase has really stuck with me!
Another good one. Yes.
Thanks, AMP!
You sound like a marvellous professor. (Also, I read The Keeper this week and loved it so much and have been recommending it to everyone ever since. Thank you for your art!)
Wow, these are awesome things to hear! Thanks so much, Rebecca! (especially for the "recommending" part! books live on word of mouth!)
As a writer myself, my motto is to give to every writer I meet--give my journal list, my tips, my feedback--whatever has helped me is what I want to share. Because the writing world IS hard enough; support begets support. Check out my substack if you're inclined--it's always free.
Yes to all of this! I appreciate your generous spirit as a writer! Thanks, Loralee.
Wow, I need this message as I'm about to grade final projects! I will strive for that pedagogy of positivity, because the world of business is hard enough! Thanks for a great reminder and a great post!
Grading final projects yields such a range of emotions for me! Some students amaze me, others disappoint. But it’s a tough world and we’re doing what we can. I’m sure they will appreciate your positivity!
I tried to send $$, cause yer so awesome but it kept saying I needed to complete "the screen capta". Tell me a simple way to send loot. Wes
Damn, Wes, that is so nice! Screen captas are frustrating and usually super blurry! I appreciate the impulse so much, but you don't have to send me anything!
In this day and age, it's how I tell someone they are doing a good job. If we lived near one another I'd pat you on the back. Talent, hard work and humanity don't often go hand in hand. thank you. BTW, I couldn't even get to the screen capture bit, which, by the way, I am dang good at picking out motorcycles etc.
I love unexpected line breaks
Ahh, I see what you did there! 😉
Just having fun! And I do love your post.
As you wrote in a comment below, "First, do no harm." There is a way to give useful feedback - with kindness and no professorial preening (and no dismissiveness either).
Yes, exactly. So many teachers have harmed so many aspiring artists/writers--and others have truly nurtured them! A pedagogy of positivity doesn't have to mean all praise all the time; it can mean taking someone seriously and believing that they can grow and learn!
Wow. I am stunned that such a positive writing teacher exists. 👌
Oh dear, it shouldn't be too shocking! Yes, there are lots of discouraging teachers out there, but also so many good ones! Have you encountered more of the former?
That’s the exact moment to introduce the joy of experimenting with breaking lines . What a nitwit that prof was.
Yes and yes! Sigh.
I loved, understood (albeit maybe had a bit of trouble seeing the cranky side get the opportunity to show) and then saw related piece on How You Made Your Student Cry and, wow, just not ready to jump right into that. Cheering you and all you inspire, poems, stories, reports, pics, students ...
on! (Yes, my broken lines are just fine, as are yours, and I'll read the related account now.)
dear kelcey,
i like your line
like your line
i like you
r linebreaks